
Butlers Court School

'Believe and Achieve Together'

SEND support

SEND Support for families 


Mrs Cantwell-Wilkinson is our SENDco and Designated Teacher. 


Please find a series of suggested agencies and websites that may be able to offer support below.


Buckinghamshire Family Information service and the SEND local offer website can be found here Buckinghamshire Family Information Service - Local OfferThis website helps parents to understand important issues that affect all parents and carers of children and young people with SEND and see the support that is available to parents, carers and young people with SEND in Buckinghamshire. 


Parents and carers support 


The Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIAS), provides free, confidential, impartial information, advice and support on all matters relating to special educational needs and disability for children and young people aged 0 to 25 and their parents/carers. You will find informative resources which will help answer questions you may have. They are not part of the Buckinghamshire Integrated SEND Service (iSEND).


Space Support Space Support Chesham & South Bucks exists to support parents and help you find the resources that will make things easier for you. In these pages they have provided valuable links to a number of organisations outside of Space that can provide specialist support, as well as many other resources which you will find helpful.


Autism Education Trust provides useful information for parents and carers about Autism and additional needs. Autism Education Trust


The NSPCC website provides a range of resources and information for parents and children with additional needs NSPCC


MENCAP provides information regarding support for children with special education needs including financial support, carers and family support programmes. MENCAP


The British Dyslexia Association British Dyslexia Association provides information regarding dyslexia and dyscalculia for both parents and children. 


The NHS provides parents with information about speech and language and occupational therapy. NHS Therapy website. 


