
Butlers Court School

'Believe and Achieve Together'

Curriculum Implementation

Our Vision


Our Butlers Court family nurtures kind, resilient, ambitious and curious children. Our caring environment supports well-being and self-belief, encouraging everyone to flourish. Through a wide range of experiences and opportunities, every child has the chance to shine, developing a love of learning and prepared for the ever-changing world and a future of possibilities.


Curriculum Implementation 


The National Curriculum is covered in full at Butlers Court School. This is part of the education of every child. In addition, we ensure that there is time and space given in every school week, term and year to extend beyond the National Curriculum specifications. Teachers at Butlers Court School develop exciting and stimulating lessons to promote the development of pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills as part of the wider school curriculum.


Our yearly curriculum map indicates which topics are taught within each subject. Over an academic year, each child has the opportunity to experience the full range of National Curriculum subjects. Staff in year groups, and subject leaders, have pulled together areas of learning from different curriculum subjects which contain similar themes or links. This allows for a more creative and cross curricular approach to learning and encourages children to apply skills in a variety of ways. In addition, the children are expected to build up a bank of ‘sticky knowledge’ through ‘sticky learning’. Teachers constantly refer to and make links between learning to allow knowledge to be retained and to accumulate through the child’s primary education. 


Medium term plans are written to ensure full coverage of the foundation subjects. They include learning objectives, hooks to engage the children from the beginning of each lesson and differentiation to suit the needs of every learner, as well as teaching assistant deployment. Detailed weekly plans are written for English and Maths. 


The children’s own community, local heritage and traditions are frequently used as a starting point for engaging interest and provide an opportunity for active learning. We visit local churches and other places of worship. We invite in local authors and athletes. We also use our extensive school grounds to support learning outside the classroom. We encourage learning to take place outside wherever possible. Our children have access to an Art studio, Science cabin and outdoor learning environment (with a pond), all of which enhances our children’s learning experience. 


The Butlers Court curriculum provides our children with memorable experiences, in addition to diverse and rich opportunities from which children can learn and develop a range of transferable skills. We ensure that all children have access to high quality educational experiences beyond the classroom walls that are integrated into the curriculum. Every year group takes part in school trips relating to their topics, practical days such as Viking/Roman/Stone Age and Greek days where children and staff dress up and take part in a wide variety of immersive activities that are linked to that era. We have an annual Arts week, where music and art is celebrated and promoted. In addition we have a Sports week, where children will get to try new sports such as fencing. Residential trips to Celtic Harmony (Y4, 1 night), Woodrow High House (Y5, 2 nights)  and The Wye Valley (Y6, 3 nights) take place to broaden the children’s experiences and build up their cultural capital. 


A specialist music teacher teaches across KS2 and every child at Butlers Court will learn an instrument during their time at school. We also have peripatetic teaching of a wide variety of instruments as well as iRock where children form a rock band and learn a variety of instruments. Termly assemblies and a summer music soiree are held for children to perform both as ensemble and in solo performances. Children will also have the opportunity to take part in Energize in UKS2, this culminates in children performing on stage either at the Royal Albert Hall or Wycombe Swan. 


A specialist Art teacher takes Art across the school and the artwork produced by our children across the school is of a very high quality, this is then shared at a termly Art exhibition for all children and parents to attend. 


We also have a specialist MFL teacher that teaches French and Spanish across KS2. 


Weekly Achievement assemblies are held to celebrate children’s accomplishments, as well as other personal achievements both in and out of school. 


Spiritual , moral, social and cultural development is entwined across the curriculum as well as explicitly taught through our PSHE and RSE curriculum. British values are promoted along side our school values of Resilience, Responsibility, Honesty, Kindness, Tolerance and Respect. We promote positive mental health and we  have a Designated Senior Mental Health Lead that leads assemblies for pupils and staff meetings all about the importance of mental health. In addition, we carry out pupil wellbeing surveys termly to ensure that any pupils identified as needing additional support receive this. 


We hold weekly assemblies which directly link to our values and current affairs to ensure that the children have a broad and balanced understanding of the world around them. 


See our EYFS policy for information on how our early years curriculum is delivered. 

