'Believe and Achieve Together'
Pupil survey December 2023
Each year a pupil survey is conducted. Please see below the responses from the KS2 and KS1/Reception survey. The percentage shows the amount of children who agreed with the statement.
KS2 pupil survey
My learning is interesting. | 95% |
I am given challenging work by my teachers. | 95% |
I know how well I am learning in each lesson. | 95% |
Displays in the classroom help me learn. | 90% |
I enjoy learning at school | 95% |
I enjoy learning at home. | 83% |
My teacher’s feedback is helpful. | 95% |
I am making good progress in my lessons. | 95% |
My school encourages me to look after myself through healthy eating and fitness. | 95% |
My school encourages me to talk about my feelings and emotions. | 94% |
My school provides me with different after school activities that I could take part in. | 99% |
I feel safe in school. | 96% |
School helps me to do my best. | 97% |
I am well-treated at school. | 96% |
If I feel sad or worried, I know a trusted adult at school who I can talk to. | 96% |
My school has good rules that are used fairly. | 98% |
Adults in my school do something if they see someone misbehaving. | 96% |
I know what is expected of me in school. | 99% |
My school encourages me to be independent and take on responsibility. | 99% |
I enjoy being at my school. | 94% |
I would recommend my school to others. | 97% |
KS1/Reception pupil survey
I like school | 94% |
I like the staff | 99% |
I learn a lot in lessons | 97% |
I feel happy in school | 96% |
I feel safe at school | 98% |
I know who to talk to if I am sad or worried | 99% |
Staff listen to me if I need help | 99% |
Children at Butlers Court behave well | 92% |
I have someone to play with at school | 92% |
I enjoy break time and lunchtime | 96% |
Our children said…
“We have very good friends, teachers and teaching assistants”
“The kindest staff you could ever have”
“Amazing opportunities including trips, residentials and the Art room”
“Astro, our new trim trail, adventure playground… we have amazing facilities”
“Our teachers are kind and helpful!”
We carry out an annual parent/carer survey. We found that the feedback has been extremely useful as we continue to provide the best possible provision we can at Butlers Court.
Last years’ survey was incredibly informative leading us to review some of our procedures including our parent consultation evenings format, communications, SEN procedures and hot school meal provision.
Having analysed this year’s responses we are pleased to report that we have had far more positive feedback on these issues this year. Whilst we cannot respond to every comment, we have taken on board everything that you have said and tried to draw out the key themes here so that you can see what has been said and how we are responding.
Please see details of the responses below.