'Believe and Achieve Together'
Our Vision
Our Butlers Court family nurtures kind, resilient, ambitious and curious children. Our caring environment supports well-being and self-belief, encouraging everyone to flourish. Through a wide range of experiences and opportunities, every child has the chance to shine, developing a love of learning and prepared for the ever-changing world and a future of possibilities.
Curriculum Intent
All children at Butlers Court will explore the breadth and depth of the National Curriculum, experiencing the challenge and enjoyment of learning. Children will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity whilst developing a rich deep subject knowledge. Children understand the value of learning and its relevance to their own lives and the ever-changing wide world. They will learn new skills and make clear links within a coherent, interesting and progressive framework.
Our curriculum is designed to excite and sustain children’s interest, enabling and fostering their natural curiosity. We are committed to promoting problem solving, creativity, innovation and communication, providing opportunities which enable children to reflect on and evaluate their learning. To facilitate this, we offer memorable and exciting experiences within topics to encourage learning that sticks.
Through the use of high-quality resources both in and out of the classroom we endeavour to provide on and off-site topic related experiences. These include a range of specialist curriculum days to residential weeks, which encompass a variety of opportunities for children to learn, not only in the class but outdoors as well.
Butlers Court provides all children with a prominent pupil voice to make a positive contribution both within the school and in the wider community. All children are encouraged to express their opinions and make choices about things that are important to them.
Through providing exciting and extensive opportunities, we enable children to follow and develop their personal interests, from music to sport, art to outdoor exploration. We believe that by investing in their interests, we enable children to develop self-esteem and confidence, which is reflected in their successful learning in all contexts. By demonstrating and promoting our core values of respect, tolerance, kindness, responsibility, resilience and honesty within our school community, our children learn to respect themselves and others showing integrity and kindness.