'Believe and Achieve Together'
Our Butlers Court family nurtures kind, resilient, ambitious and curious children. Our caring environment supports well-being and self-belief, encouraging everyone to flourish. Through a wide range of experiences and opportunities, every child has the chance to shine, developing a love of learning and prepared for the ever-changing world and a future of possibilities.
Our curriculum is monitored and reviewed by the leadership team to ensure optimum impact. Planning is monitored to guarantee that it is current and used as a working document. Regular book looks are carried out to confirm that clear progression is evident in books. They ensure that clear learning objectives are identified in plans and that children receive consistent and developmental feedback. The leadership team and subject leaders as well as governors carry regular learning walks throughout the year to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum is being delivered to all.
The leadership team and subject leaders give feedback to individual teachers and year groups about their monitoring so that strengths can be shared amongst staff and development points acted upon.
Assessment is carried out through marking and talking to children in lessons. Summative assessment is recorded at the end of each term. This is also used as formative assessment to inform planning for the next half term. Summative yearly GL progress assessments are carried out every year in the summer term (Years 1-5).
Our end of Key Stage assessment results in English and Maths are consistently above County and National averages.
Enjoyment of the curriculum promotes achievement, confidence and good behaviour. Children feel safe to try new things and have high levels of intrinsic motivation (See KS2 Wellbeing survey, December 2022). High quality visits and visitors to the school enhance the curriculum and provide opportunities to excel in all subjects and have knowledge of our world and current affairs.
The school conducts annual Pupil & Parent surveys to collect feedback on our curriculum.
Children have occasions to share their learning with each other, parents and carers and other learners through school-based and external exhibitions, performances, assemblies, competitions and events involving other schools. Developing their independence, curiosity and motivation as learners and their sense of being future citizens in the ever changing world is at the heart of all our teaching and learning.