
Butlers Court School

'Believe and Achieve Together'


Every School Day Counts

At Butlers Court School we believe that improving attendance is everyone’s business and that providing a calm, orderly, safe and supportive environment where all pupils want to be and are keen and ready to learn is the foundation of securing good attendance.  Working together to put the right support in place at the right time, in conjunction with all staff in school, parents/carers, pupils, Buckinghamshire Council and other local partners, we aim to remove any barriers to attendance by building strong and trusting relationships.

Regular attendance is fundamental to the future success of children.  We expect pupils to be in school for every session of the school day and for every day that the school is open.


Our objectives are to promote good attendance, ensuring every pupil has access to the full-time education to which they are entitled.  By acting early to address patterns of absence we aim to reduce absence, including persistent and severe absence.


The law entitles every child of compulsory school age to an efficient, full-time education suitable to their age, aptitude, and any special educational need they may have. It is the legal responsibility of every parent to make sure their child receives that education either by attendance at a school or by education otherwise than at a school.

Attendance policy

Government guidance states that under special or exceptional circumstances the Headteacher may consider giving permission for a child to be absent from school during term time. In making a request for the authorised absence from school you will need to explain why the circumstances are exceptional.

The Headteacher will carefully consider your request and will take your child’s attendance record into account.

Leave of absence form
