
Butlers Court School

'Believe and Achieve Together'

'Dad's Charity Football Match'

Mr Howman, parent of Y3 and Y5 children and his friend, who is a dad of children at St Mary’s, had been discussing the idea of a football match between the dads of St Mary’s children vs those of BCS.

They finally locked in a date for the match and after a couple of “training” sessions we had a full 90 minute, 11-a-side match on Saturday 7th December!
The dad's spiced things up a little by agreeing that the losing team would make a donation to the winning school’s PTA!

Both squads featured about 20 dads, mostly several decades past their prime! But all contributed to a fantastic occasion and a competitively contested match, well supported by mum's and children from both schools.

The final result, probably fairly, was a 3-3 draw, and the decision was made to split the donation between the 2 schools. So the dad's have kindly donated approximately £300 to donate to the PTA.


They are likely to have a rematch in the Spring!


Thank you from Butlers Court for their fantastic donation.
