'Believe and Achieve Together'
Year 4 and 5 – Roman Days
Due to some curriculum changes this year both years 4 and 5 are studying the Romans so both years had a special Roman day.
The morning activities took place in the hall which had been transformed into a Roman forum. We all had to pretend that we were apprentices learning new trades. We took part in many activities including making wax tablets and ink to write with, designing and making our own mosaics and brooches.
We were also able to visit the doctor for any minor aches and pains. She checked our temperature and looked at our skin colour. She then made some potions from herbs and spices to help us.
During the afternoon, we once again gathered in the Forum where each group performed for their peers. One group performed a play about Pandora's box, another group performed a wonderful Roman dance and another group of Roman legionaries performed their practice drills which included the testudo (ask your child about this).
We also re-enacted the final battle between Boudicca's rebel army and the Roman army. Boudicca's army was not as well organised as the Romans and the vast majority of the rebels were killed in the battle, including Boudicca who is reported to have taken poison.
Everyone had a great day and learned a lot about the Romans in Britain.