'Believe and Achieve Together'
The season for School Games Qualifiers has started, and this half term we have been at badminton and basketball.
Year 5/6 Badminton
Dr Challoners High School
We took two teams over to Dr Challoners High School to compete against other schools from our area. The games against the other school were a mixture of singles and doubles. It took us a bit of time to get into our rhythm but once we got there we were very competitive on the court. All of the 8 children from Butlers Court improved as the games went on and many fantastic shots were produced. Overall we ended up receiving first and third place which was great.
Year 3/4 Badminton
The Beaconsfield School
Unlike the older children, this competition was comprised of 10 events testing a range of badminton elements and the children working together to reach as many points as possible. Again we managed to take two teams, and both teams were very well behaved and demonstrated some great teamwork.
This was recognised by The Beaconsfield School Leaders and some of our children were awarded badges and wristbands for Determination, Passion and Teamwork. The children had a great time and again demonstrated some great pieces of skill.
Year 5/6 Basketball
Dr Challoners High School
The third and final event for this half term proved popular so we took two teams. The basketball matches were based on normal basketball rules, however the girls played the first half of the match and then the boys played the second half. This meant a lot of teamwork and positivity was needed to ensure we did our best.
We had moments of perfect passing, delightful dribbling, superb shots and lots of smiling. The support for each other and between the two teams (even when they were playing each other) was fantastic.
With the games very competitive and the scores very close, we were happy to find out that we had come second and third.