
Butlers Court School

'Believe and Achieve Together'

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • 'Big Noise'

    Fri 29 Dec 2017
    Just before half term, Butlers Court advanced musicians were invited by the Chiltern music Academy to participate in Big Noise at the Royal Grammar School. This was the first event of its kind and involved children playing in different musical ensembles. Each group learned a piece of music to perform to everyone else and then all learned a piece called Celebrate. This was the most exciting part of the day when all children came together and performed this piece in a massive orchestra of 250 children. What an experience and what hard work – to learn a challenging piece of music in 1 day! Well done to all.
  • Toy Service 2017

    Fri 01 Dec 2017

    This month, 6BMS led the annual Butlers Court Toy Service. Tables were filled with generous donations of much loved toys ready to be dispatched to many deserving families. The service began with a fun rendition of ‘You’ve got a friend in me’, from the children’s favourite, Toy Story. We then moved on to a historical (and nostalgic) journey through the evolution of toys. The pupils shared a montage of photographs of personal toy favourites. The service ended with a modern interpretation of the ‘conveyor belt challenge ‘from the TV classic ‘The Generation Game.’ A final prayer guided everyone to reflect on the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves. Following the service, kind pupils gave up their break to organise and box up the donations ready for collection.


    6BMS would like to thank everybody for their generous donations.
