
Butlers Court School

'Believe and Achieve Together'

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Creative Arts Assembly

    Fri 20 Nov 2020
    Please click here to enjoy our latest Creative Art Assembly.
  • Harvest Festival

    Fri 20 Nov 2020

    Harvest with a Heart.

    We marked Harvest with a great poignancy this year. Despite not being able to meet together as a school at St Mary’s church, we celebrated this important event as a school through our individual classes. Revered Jeremy brought us together through a pre-recorded video, where he shared his message about the importance of giving. 6BMS presented their harvest assembly echoing this message.

    The generous donations supplied by you were dispatched to Better Connected- Beaconsfield.  As the Coronavirus situation developed, Better Connected, a charity in Beaconsfield has been supporting the local community.  They have a network of volunteers for Beaconsfield residents, more than 350 volunteers – known as Buddies. They have offered their time to help those in need in our community in recent months and continue to do so.

    Our donations will be a great help to them and comfort to many families.


    Thank you for your generous offerings.

  • Sponsored Walk

    Fri 20 Nov 2020

    Sponsored Walk, 2020


    5… 4… 3… 2…1! We were off!

    This year we experienced a sponsored walk with a difference.  Due to the importance of keeping our bubbles separate, we all completed our sponsored walk in our year groups.  This didn’t take the sense of fun away!  Despite the wet conditions for some year groups, all of us managed to complete a good number of laps and most importantly have great time together.  It was certainly a memorable start to our new term.


    Lily Pollard and Curran Batra 6BMS


    Highest laps walked per girl & boy across each year group.



    Vivien Lue-Fong

    Alfred Holliday-Cole 

    George Stebbings     




    Year 1

    Lana Chahil

    Riley Ryder



    Year 2

    Amelia Daniels

    Zac Bennett

    Rufus Holt




    Year 3

    Gabriella Wilczab

    Oscar Holt



    Year 4

    Amelia Bradley

    Sam Chicken



    Year 5

    Jessica Brammer

    Lily Burridge

    Ellis Coppock




    Year 6

    Eliana Barretto

    Will Scott



  • Year 6 Visit Longridge

    Fri 20 Nov 2020

    Year 6 Fun and Games at Longridge.

    We were so pleased to offer our Year 6’s a chance to enjoy themselves whilst experiencing a number of different outdoor activities at the Longridge Activity Centre in Marlow.  This experience, which usually takes place for children in Year 5 during the Summer term, gives the children the opportunity to undertake a number of outdoor activities including kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, raft building, climbing and high ropes under the guidance of appropriately qualified personnel, including Mr Sutton who make a welcome return to ensure Butlers Court children had the best experience possible!!  All the children had a super time taking part in the activities and encouraging each other along the way. 

  • Year 4 and 5 Roman Day

    Fri 20 Nov 2020

    Year 4 and 5 – Roman Days


    Due to some curriculum changes this year both years 4 and 5 are studying the Romans so both years had a special Roman day.

    The morning activities took place in the hall which had been transformed into a Roman forum. We all had to pretend that we were apprentices learning new trades.  We took part in many activities including making wax tablets and ink to write with, designing and making our own mosaics and brooches. 

    We were also able to visit the doctor for any minor aches and pains.  She checked our temperature and looked at our skin colour.  She then made some potions from herbs and spices to help us.


    During the afternoon, we once again gathered in the Forum where each group performed for their peers.  One group performed a play about Pandora's box, another group performed a wonderful Roman dance and another group of Roman legionaries performed their practice drills which included the testudo (ask your child about this). 

    We also re-enacted the final battle between Boudicca's rebel army and the Roman army.  Boudicca's army was not as well organised as the Romans and the vast majority of the rebels were killed in the battle, including Boudicca who is reported to have taken poison.


    Everyone had a great day and learned a lot about the Romans in Britain.  
